Archive by Author

Fly your company flag in front of drillers with a highly visible year-round ad in ADIA 2017 Wall Planner!

Bookings are now open for advertising in the Australian Drilling Industry Association 2017 Wall Planner distributed with the October / November edition of Australasian Drilling magazine. Year planners are highly effective – and cost-effective – promotional tools, and while it is a ‘wall’ planner, the ADIA Wall Planner is more likely to be found in […]

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Documented strategy key to content marketing effectiveness: industrial B2B survey

Industrial suppliers and service providers in Australia with a documented content marketing strategy are far more likely to be effective at content marketing than those without, according to the Industrial B2B Content Marketing Survey 2015 Benchmarks and Trends Australia by Wade Business Media. The overwhelming majority of respondents (80 per cent) that said their company was effective […]

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Ten golden rules for writing effective content for a technical audience

Written content for prospects and customers with technical backgrounds involved in the purchase, procurement and specification of plant, equipment and services should be engaging, empowering, clear, concise, focused and evidence-based. There are many things to consider when developing this type of content for this type of audience, but in general there are 10 golden rules […]

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The five foundations of successful content marketing for industrial B2B marketers

Smart marketers in the industrial business-to-business (B2B) sector know that providing information of value attracts prospects and builds customer loyalty and a highly effective way of communicating this to prospects and customers is through content marketing. “Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire […]

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Industrial B2B marketing: it’s okay to fail

Wouldn’t it be great to go through life where every endeavor was a roaring success. You got top grades in every school test taken and became school dux. You met the perfect partner and your wedding was an unbridled success without a hitch. Your honeymoon was like something out of a Hollywood chick-flick. Your partner […]

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Industrial B2B marketing: can you answer these questions?

Over the years I’ve met countless industrial suppliers and service providers with decision-making authority on marketing, but little or no understanding of their customers. This lack of understanding about basic customer identity seems to affect all businesses from global conglomerates to dad and Dave operations in the back of Welshpool. If you have the marketing […]

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Industrial B2B marketing: how to write an effective media release

We may live in an age of social media, but the humble media release is still a powerful and cost effective way of getting your message to a mass market –especially industrial markets. The main thing to consider with any media release is that the customer is an editor – not the end user of […]

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Suppliers and service providers to major projects desperate for work quadruple in six months

The overwhelming majority of suppliers and service providers to major projects in Australia are steady or busy with work, but the number of those desperate for work has quadrupled in the last six months. The latest Projectory Quarterly Survey of Business Expectations revealed that nine per cent of respondents said their company was desperate for work – […]

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Industrial suppliers and service providers winning 30 per cent less tenders YOY, but outlook positive

A snapshot of industrial suppliers and service providers has revealed that many are starting to feel the pinch of a slow down in major project activity with 31 per cent reporting a drop in tender wins compared to the same time last year. This was according to a recent survey by online lead generation service […]

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Marketing to mining: top tips to promote a great image of your company

If there’s one piece of advice I would implore any mining supplier or service provider to consider it’s to invest in professional photography. Quality images depicting what your company does have more influence and power over people than a thousand words of quality copy. But in my experience many mining suppliers and service providers fail […]

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