Archive | June, 2014

Industrial suppliers and service providers winning 30 per cent less tenders YOY, but outlook positive

A snapshot of industrial suppliers and service providers has revealed that many are starting to feel the pinch of a slow down in major project activity with 31 per cent reporting a drop in tender wins compared to the same time last year. This was according to a recent survey by online lead generation service […]

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Marketing to mining: top tips to promote a great image of your company

If there’s one piece of advice I would implore any mining supplier or service provider to consider it’s to invest in professional photography. Quality images depicting what your company does have more influence and power over people than a thousand words of quality copy. But in my experience many mining suppliers and service providers fail […]

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Marketing to mining: how to get face time with prospects

One of the biggest challenges for any mining supplier or service provider is getting in front of prospects. This can be especially difficult when prospects work on mine sites in remote locations. Once you do get face-to-face with prospects though the chances of doing business increase dramatically. A meeting usually puts people at ease. And […]

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